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 10 “For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.”

Hebrews 6:10

Serving God is a great privilege. But sometimes, we get discouraged because no one seems to notice what we do. What motivation do we have to keep serving?

In our previous blog, we learned that God does not eliminate our trials but assures us that He is with us in the thick of the battle.

Here's another spiritual nugget telling you God stays faithful even when you think otherwise:

God remembers your sacrifices.

Let’s unpack today’s verse.

The writer of the Book of Hebrews criticized his readers for their lack of spiritual maturity and warned them of being in spiritual danger by having a superficial faith. But in verse 10, he praises them for their service to God and their love for others.

The author is confident that God will remember their love for Him that they had shown by helping other believers. He encourages them to keep it up while assuring them that God sees their work and that help will be available to them whenever they need it.

Therefore, the writer encourages his readers to keep doing what they have been doing. That is, they should seek to serve other believers and remember that God will not forget (epilanthanomai) their good works. He seems to entreat them to look forward to the heavenly reward that awaits them as long as they don’t give up doing good.

Have you ever come to a point where you felt sorry about yourself, thinking that you have been serving God and people, and yet it seems like you’re not receiving the help you need yourself? In other words, you feel neglected and ignored despite your service in the ministry.

This verse is a reminder to us that God is watching and He sees our every move, He appreciates our every sacrifice, and He wants us to continue serving him no matter what. And let’s keep in mind that God is not unfair; He is not unjust to ignore our good works done in His name. At the right time, he will lift you in honor, and more importantly, He will give you eternal rewards for your sacrifices.


Going through a season of hardship can be quite overwhelming and frustrating. And perhaps every Christian in history experienced disappointment in one way or another.

But hardship should not make us turn our backs on Christ. Rather, it should lead us to all the more seek God, prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus, and remain faithful in the ministry He has entrusted to us.

Pursue the Savior today!