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5 “They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them.”

1 John 4:5

Yesterday, we learned that because of Christ, we’re not just winners; we’re more than conquerors. That is to say, we can overcome the enemy and his deceptive schemes and resist his enticements.

In verse 5, John talks about the false teachers and refers to them as “from the world.” These men are well-regarded by the world because their teachings suit the beliefs of people who do not fear God. They tickle the ears of those who listen to them, so to speak. Therefore, the world accepts them wholeheartedly.

The term “world” can be understood in two ways. First, it is a way of thinking that contradicts the Christian worldview, and second, the group of people who allowed themselves to be led astray by the false teachers. John is challenging his readers to remain faithful even when there is a growing number of people believing the antichrists.

We belong to a generation where people have access to the internet and traditional media. Therefore, we can be exposed to different worldviews and philosophies, most of which are contrary to Jesus’ teachings. They talk about things that appeal to the sinful nature, thus attracting multitudes of followers.

These times are calling for discernment—biblical discernment. The difference between truth and error isn’t always easy to detect. It takes knowledge of the truth to spot lies.

May we be like the Psalmist who discerned and dodged the lies and tricks of the enemy.

4 “With regard to the works of man, by the word of your lips I have avoided the ways of the violent.”

Psalm 17:4

The single most effective way to steer clear of deception is to stay close to God’s Word, which guides our way and leads us into all the truth.

Pursue the Savior today!