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3 “and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.”

1 John 4:3

What is the spirit of the antichrist, and how does it operate?

Let’s continue our study on 1 John.

In verse 3, John creates a contrast by writing the opposite of his statement in verse 2. He says that anyone who does not confess (homologeō, “to agree with”) Jesus is not from God. Specifically, anyone who does not affirm Jesus coming in the flesh possesses the spirit of the antichrist, an already present spirit that is out to deceive people.

The Apostle is calling believers to be convinced of the truths about Jesus’ Incarnation. The Lord came to first-century Israel and preached the Kingdom of God. He died on the Cross, rose on the third day, and was seen by hundreds of people.

By announcing this revelation, John makes his readers aware of the deceptive teachings of the false teachers. To believe their lies is to falsify the Gospel itself.

But more than just the intellectual agreement to the facts about Jesus, believers are to confess Jesus as their Lord. Why is this important? Because even demons acknowledge Jesus as both human and God but do not have a saving faith in Him.

Today’s verse serves as a reminder for us to search our hearts and determine our personal view of Christ. The enemy has a myriad of false teachers spewing all kinds of lies about Jesus. They deceive people into believing different “versions” of our Savior. Some of them even have the name “Jesus Christ” in their groups but their Jesus is not even close to the biblical Christ. It’s not that difficult to spot the fake—as long as we know what’s authentic. Their fruits will show their true colors.

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will recognize them by their fruits.”

Matthew 7:15-16a

Do you affirm the historical accounts about Him? Are you convinced that what the Gospel writers wrote about Christ was true and reliable? More importantly, do you submit yourself to Christ’s Lordship? Does He have your heart?

Pursue the Savior today!