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"According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it."

1 Corinthians 3:10

Perhaps the most painstaking part of building a house is the laying of the foundation. Depending on the design's size and levels, the foundation will determine the structure's strength and shape. This process exposes the workers to the elements: the sun, rain, wind, etc. That's why every worker is physically fit and mentally focused.

Our verse of the day shows Paul switching metaphors: from agriculture to construction. He sees himself as a skilled builder who lays the right foundation for the church by the grace of God. Paul played a significant role in advancing God's Kingdom in Asia Minor, Macedonia, and Greece. Therefore, he knew what he was talking about.

Paul, the rest of the Apostles, and their associates proclaimed the Gospel to places where it wasn’t heard before. They spoke about God becoming man, living a perfect life, dying on the Cross for sinners, and resurrecting on the third day. They made it clear that apart from this reality, there is no other gospel. If others present something different than what the Bible teaches, that is a pseudo-Gospel. Consider Paul's warning to people who promote another gospel (Galatians 1:8-9).

Today, men and women entice people to join their groups, promising good health, sure wealth, success, a better life, and more. Others define the Gospel as doing good to earn God's approval. Still, others claim that they hold the exclusive right to preach. We should exercise discernment and avoid being lured into their agenda.

The church is a community of believers who received God's forgiveness through repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Any group that calls itself a "church" but is not founded on the reality of the true Gospel is not a church, to begin with. They may have built something, but they are like men who constructed a house on the sand. It may stand during sunny, calm days, but it will surely collapse when a storm comes and pounds it to the ground.

Do you belong to a Christ-honoring, Bible-believing church that teaches sound doctrine? If so, praise God because He planted you on the right foundation. That's a place where you can grow, mature, and become a fruitful Christian.

Pursue the Savior today!