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12 “Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.”

1 John 5:12

The Bible does not present the doctrine of salvation by way of a riddle. Neither does it suggest that it’s a mystery that needs to be solved. On the contrary, it’s quite straightforward.

Yesterday, we learned that since Jesus is reliable, it only makes sense to put our trust in Him.

Picking up from yesterday’s verse, John makes the inevitable conclusion: whoever is in Christ has life while whoever isn’t in Him doesn’t have life. John’s point is quite obvious. His readers should not be mistaken that eternal life is found in the supposed “higher learning” of those who deny Christ. Neither is it found in good works, religion, or church involvement. Denying Christ is eternally disastrous.

Anyone who wants to have eternal life must have Jesus, the Son of God. This eternal life can be found in no other than God Himself. It is not simply about the duration of existence, but the quality of life is identified by a personal relationship with God. Those who have Jesus in their hearts are the ones who have this life. Their fellowship is not only with the Lord Jesus but also with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

The Bible cannot be clearer: outside of Christ, there is no salvation. He alone has the power and righteousness to save wretched sinners. Those who try to find eternal life elsewhere and reject Christ’s offer of salvation will fall into the hands of an indignant, righteous, holy God. On the other hand, those who humble themselves and accept Christ’s free offer will have their sins erased and their hearts renewed. They are the ones who are already enjoying eternal life in fellowship with God. And the best is yet to come.

Do you have Jesus in your life? If so, you are a possessor of eternal life. You have it now, but it will only get better. Jesus will return and take you to His Kingdom, where you and others like you will enjoy an eternity of peace, joy, and love.

Pursue the Savior today!