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"Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life."
John 12:25
Being a Christian demands commitment to Jesus and all His teachings. Why does Christ require self-abandonment from anyone who wishes to follow Him?
After Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, a group of Greeks came to His disciples, trying to have an interview with the Lord. While nothing is written if Jesus granted them a meeting, He sure did warn them about the consequences of following Him. Back then, being a Christian was a matter of life and death. Church tradition says that Christ's original disciples (except for Judas Iscariot) and some of their followers died for Him.
In John 12:24, Jesus uses the image of a seed to illustrate the need for self-abandonment on our way to fruitfulness. A seed cannot produce fruits unless it is first buried in the ground. Similarly, unless we are identified with Christ: in His life, death, and resurrection, we remain unfruitful.
Jesus teaches us to set our priorities right. He shows the difference between life and death to understand the importance of submitting to God's will. He died a brutal death so that God might forgive our sins.
To believe in Jesus means to follow in His footsteps, and to follow Him means that our personal interests should take a back seat. We should be willing to lose our comfort, convenience, and if necessary, even our life for the sake of Christ.
Pursue the Saviour today!