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11 “For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.”

1 John 3:11

We live in a place where people are given religious freedom. And whether you are in a large city or a small town, there should be a church in the area. However, the biblical concept of the church goes far beyond the building where people meet to worship.

Let’s continue our study on 1 John 3. The author shifts back to his theme of love, (1 John 2:7-11). He reminds his readers of the message (“Greek “aggelia,” “an announcement, news, a command”) they have heard from the beginning. This news is Jesus’ command to His followers, which John writes in his Gospel:

34 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

John 13:34

Love is a major theme in John’s writings. In fact, the most quoted verse in the Bible centers on love (John 3:16). In today’s verse, John focuses on love for the brethren, which is the litmus test for critical truths: it reveals whether we are in the light or darkness (1 John 2:10); it tells us whether we have life or death (1 John 3:14); and whether we’re children of God or the devil (1 John 3:10).

Here, John emphasizes the love between Christians. He uses the Greek word “agapao,” the verb form of “agape,” also known as altruistic, self-sacrificing love. Brotherly love, as a moral ideal, selflessly seeks the good of a fellow believer to the extent of denying one’s rights and privileges.

Christians are considered brothers and sisters because they all are “born from above.” Their faith in Christ has made them children of God (John 1:12). As it appears, brotherly love (philadelphia), is a direct result of regeneration and obedience to the truth. Just as we have an innate, natural love for our biological siblings, so do we should have a deeply rooted affection for our fellow believers.

Loving our brothers and sisters in Christ should not be a burden, regardless of our different (and sometimes clashing) personalities and temperaments. If we are indeed born again, love for others will flow naturally through us. As we cultivate a healthy, intimate relationship with our Father, our love for God should result in a pure, organic, and real love for fellow believers.

How do you demonstrate love for other Christians?

Pursue the Savior today!

