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4 “For you have been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat;”

Isaiah 25:4


Regardless of our culture, being self-reliant and independent is an admirable character. We don't want to be a burden to anyone. But pinning our hopes on ourselves won't help us if we are coming from a place of need.

We have been running a miniseries on the popular saying, “God helps those who help themselves,” trying to see if there is any biblical support to it. Yesterday, we learned that in and of ourselves, we cannot produce anything eternally good.

Let’s delve into another biblical truth of which we should remind ourselves:

God helps the helpless.

Isaiah 25 is essentially a song of praise to the Lord from the remnant of Israel that continued to trust in Him. In verses 4-5, Isaiah uses two images: the pounding of a storm and the scorching heat of the sun in the desert. He describes God as a Refuge for travelers.

Throughout the Bible, we can see God taking care of His people in times of difficulty and judgment. He saved Noah and his family from The Flood; He delivered Israel from their slavery in Egypt. Moreover, He protected the church from Satan’s opposition. In the same way, God is able to keep His people safe from the coming wrath in the last days.

From a practical standpoint, we know that the Lord’s heart is close to the poor, widows, the oppressed, and the helpless. There are people in the world who are utterly helpless—the orphans, the homeless, the sick, and the destitute. They are the ones who have no other one to lean on but God. Not that they do not help themselves, but some people are in situations we cannot even imagine being there.

Today’s verse gives a promise that no matter how low you have fallen, no matter how weak; no matter how helpless you are, if you look unto God, you will find hope and receive help.

In other words, God helps those who can’t help themselves. He gives power to the powerless. This truth is a huge encouragement for anyone who feels like an outcast. Even when the world seems to have turned its back on you, it is not yet time to throw the towel in. God is a strong refuge, a shelter that keeps you safe from the dangers of this rather hostile world.

Pursue the Savior today!