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“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.”

1 John 3:1

Through my online ministry, the Lord allows me to minister to people I do not even know. They would send me messages, asking for spiritual advice. One of the most common scenarios presented to me is a Christian struggling to live a holy life, which makes him unsure whether he’s saved or not. I know that countless Christians are going through the same thing, and I want to help shed some light on this topic.

We have come to the third chapter of John’s first epistle, which is a transition from the subject of fellowship (chapters 1-2) to sonship (chapters 3-5). The general idea of this cluster of verses is that practicing righteousness and loving fellow Christians regardless of differences are proof of true conversion.

John expresses his amazement at God’s love. He uses the word “see” (Greek “eido”), which means “to know, understand, perceive.” He wants his readers to understand the otherworldly love (Greek “agape”) He has given (Greek “didomi”) to undeserving people. What makes God’s love amazing is the fact that He sent His own Son to die a brutal death for His enemies (sinners like you and me).

The Apostle also clarifies the Christian’s standing before God. He uses the word “called” (Greek “kaleo”), which means “to bear a name or title.” It refers to what a person is. In this case, it means a believer is a child of God as a result of his saving faith in Christ.

John wants you and me to realize that God’s love is no ordinary love. It is a self-sacrificing love that resulted in Jesus Christ dying on the Cross to make a way for you and me to be reconciled with God. This reconciliation has legal ramifications. When you believe that Jesus is the Christ who died and rose again for you, God makes you right before Him and considers you His child.

“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,”

John 1:12

A true Christian never stops being awestruck by this wonderful reality. It’s never a cliche to be called a child of God. It’s always fresh, energizing, and awe-inspiring.

Contrarily, the world does not understand (Greek “ginosko”) God’s love for His children because they do not even know God, to begin with. Knowing God is more than mere understanding of the truths about Him. It involves a personal experience of His saving grace and daily mercies.

As a child of God, do you think He would disown you if you disobeyed him? Absolutely not! Just like how I will not cast off my children in case they fail me, so God won’t reject you if you sin against Him. But here’s a caveat to this truth: sinfulness is not part of a Christian’s DNA.

What is your response to God’s otherworldly love?

Pursue the Savior today!