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11 “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11

It’s quite common for teenagers to experience disappointment and discouragement. In such cases, they need all the support they need. But if our kids can cheer them up and point them to Christ, wouldn’t you be a proud parent?

We have been discussing reasons why you should let your child memorize Scripture. Yesterday, we learned that remembering God’s word allows our kids to have unshakable faith when life doesn’t seem to make sense.

Let’s conclude this miniseries with our last point.

They will encourage others and glorify God.

Nothing makes me more proud as a father than knowing that my kids are a blessing to their friends and others. In fact, I take more pride when they treat others well than when they receive academic recognition. Why? Because my ultimate goal in life is to serve God with my family, and together, we aim to draw people to Christ.

When our kids know Scripture, they can be amazing friends who can give wise advice when needed. Armed with God’s word, they can uplift downtrodden souls and confused hearts. They can help a friend who is going through a rough time.

When our kids are rooted in Scripture, they are filled with hope and expectation of the Lord’s coming—things that refresh our souls and excite our hearts.

But more than just being an encouragement to others, our kids will also glorify God when they demonstrate Christlikeness even when dealing with difficult people.

12 “Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.”

1 Peter 2:12

We are expected to uphold the truth and show Christian character even in the heat of persecution. And when we do, our critics will be silenced and will ultimately credit God for our outstanding behavior. Wouldn’t that be a sight when you see your child do just that?


Why should you encourage your child to memorize Scripture?

  • They have a good memory.
  • Their character will be built.
  • They will live a life of wisdom.
  • They will need it when they face difficulties in life.
  • They will encourage others and glorify God.