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16 “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.”

1 John 3:16

What does it mean to truly love others? How should we lay down our lives for our brothers? Is God calling us to literally give up our lives? Does He want all of us to be Christian martyrs?

In today’s verse, John introduces the ultimate measuring stick of love. If the Devil’s children are known for their indifference toward others, God’s children are known to demonstrate selfless love. Jesus exemplified this definition of love when He laid down His life for us (Romans 5:8). He previously set the bar for brotherly love among Christians, saying they should love one another as He had loved them (John 13:34-35).

True Christian love goes beyond the absence of evil deeds toward others. It also involves seeking their ultimate good. We love quoting John 3:16 because it presents a wonderful promise of salvation. But how about 1 John 3:16, which demands demonstrating sacrificial, self-giving love? Truth is, not only does God want us to receive the blessing of His love, but also to gladly extend it to others.

For the most part, we all agree that it is right to love one another—no true Christian would ever deny that. But in actuality, do we consistently show true Christian love? The world is steadily moving in the direction of self-centeredness. In fact, we can see this problem creeping into our communities. Not many of us are willing to risk our safety for the benefit of others. We’d rather preserve our comfort than sacrifice our time and energy.

But we can’t follow Christ and be apathetic! Do you realize that in the last hours of His life, Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, tried to save His would-be betrayer, and prepared the Apostles for ministry and persecution? Before suffering the most brutal form of execution, His heart was fixed on serving and demonstrating selfless love to egocentric, self-preserving wretches like you and me! He set aside His personal need for comfort and reassured His nagging, immature disciples instead.

God is not telling you to give up your life in a grand, Marvel superhero-type way. But He does want you to lay down your life even in small but meaningful ways, i.e., praying for others and helping those in need. Doing these things is as good as dying for them. Demonstrating love in tangible ways to others is essentially the same as showing our love and affection for God.

Let’s remind ourselves of the Lord’s words:

40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

Matthew 25:40

What are you willing to do to make someone feel loved and valued? Can you spend a few minutes to reach out and try to ease the pain and suffering of someone you know?

Pursue the Savior today!

