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“But whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him:”

1 John 2:5

Today’s verse is a continuation of John’s description of a true fellowship with God. We have learned that the word “keep” implies consistency, and in this case, it means a habit of obeying God.

John writes that when we keep God’s word, then the love of God is perfected in us. This love refers to God’s love for us, not the other way around. His point is that when we keep God’s word, the purpose of God’s love is fulfilled in us.

When we lovingly obey Him, we will never feel reluctant or coerced to do things. We will look at every opportunity as a privilege to serve God and others. According to John, when our lives are marked by obedience to the Lord, His love is perfected in us. The Apostle is not suggesting that obedient Christians are perfectly sinless. What he means is that loving obedience is a sign of true fellowship with Christ.

Coming to a right relationship with God is not about speculation (as the Gnostics did in John’s time), but with careful obedience to God’s commands as a response to His great love.

When we keep God’s word, we are “made complete,” which carries the idea of growing and fruit-bearing. In other words, when we obey God, His love grows in us.

Does your love for God and others grow each day?

Pursue the Savior today!