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“Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him,”

1 John 2:4

God is Spirit, which means He is invisible. He revealed Himself when He came down to earth two thousand years ago, in the Person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is the visible image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15).

But Jesus died, rose again, and is now back in heaven. Now, what is the evidence that God exists? Objectively, creation itself is proof of God’s existence because He created everything. Subjectively, we know He exists because He lives in the hearts of His people, transforming them into the image of Jesus.

Jesus said that we are the salt and light of the world (Matthew 5:16). Our good deeds, as a result of our obedience to God, are proof that God is alive and real. When our relationship with God produces love for Him and people, we express our affection by preaching the Gospel, striving to live a holy life, and meeting people’s immediate needs—like what Jesus did. He left us an example—we’re just following His lead. We are simply obeying Him.

However, when a professing Christian fails to obey God and follow Jesus’ example, the world finds it harder to see the reality of God’s existence.

John calls such a person a liar. Previously, we’ve learned that the word “know” doesn’t only mean having intellectual knowledge, but a personal relationship and experience. Therefore, if a person claims to know God but his life does not align with Scripture, not only is he self-deceived, but he is also a liar—one who breaks faith.

John used such a heavy word because it’s a big issue. Duplicity is a serious problem. Saying one thing but doing the opposite is lying—and liars, according to the Lord Jesus, are children of the devil (John 8:44). A liar does not belong to Christ as he does not live in the truth. He is enslaved to sin.

As we have come to understand thus far, proving the authenticity of our fellowship with God goes beyond the mere confession of belief. It requires evidence, which is seen in how we follow Christ’s example before the unbelieving world.

We are God’s ambassadors assigned to proclaim His goodness, righteousness, justice, and the hope found in Christ. If we are convinced that we know Christ, our walk must match our talk.

Pursue the Savior today!