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6 “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

Philippians 1:6


Being faithful to God is a whole lot easier when life is comfortable. However, when the going gets tough, can we still be faithful? How do we find the strength to keep going when we go through a season of pain, loss, grief, or uncertainty? How can we be so sure that God is still watching?

Here's one truth telling you God stays faithful even when He doesn't seem so.

God‘s not done with you.

In tonight’s verse, Paul encourages the Philippians to remain faithful to Christ as their sanctification is still an ongoing process. He is sure that conforming them to Christ will continue throughout their lives, and this assurance is founded in the work of the Lord Jesus.

Sanctification is a serious, lengthy process. It includes seasons of pruning, teaching, disciplining, and correcting from the Lord. But just because we are going through a difficult part of our life, doesn’t mean that God is done with us. And just because life is tough, doesn’t mean that God is unfaithful.

When we go through a season of difficulty, we find it easy to doubt our salvation and conclude that God is no longer interested in us. However, if that were true, doesn’t that make God the biggest liar in the universe?

My friend, you need to remind yourself that our God is called Faithful and True. When things don't seem to make sense, it would be unfair to blame God for all the bad things in your life. The truth is, God‘s not yet done with you. He will continue and finish the good work that He has begun in you. That is your salvation. As long as you’re here and Jesus has not returned yet, God will continue changing you and making you more like Christ. And sometimes that process involves hardship, which is designed to help you depend on Him and not yourself.

Pursue the Savior today!