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7 “For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— 8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Romans 5:7-8


People are indifferent to God because they don’t think they need Him. So, how do you help someone see their spiritual condition if they live an easy, convenient life?

In our previous blog, we said that only God can convict people of sin and soften their hearts for the Gospel. Here’s our second tip on how to share the Gospel with those who seem unaffected :

Communicate the Gospel with genuine care.

The answer to apathy is care. I know it’s an uphill battle, but if we truly care about people, we need to have a real interest in them. It’s necessary to determine why they are unconcerned about God. Maybe they’re living in opulence or had a bad experience that led them to think God is nonchalant about them. Whatever the reason, try to get to know where they stand. Find out what caused them to come to that conclusion.

When given the chance, do your best to present the Gospel in a way that compels them to listen further. Listen to their questions and give honest answers. If you don’t know what to say, acknowledge it and do your research. But don’t forget to share how the Gospel affected you to decide to follow Christ. Highlight the meaningful and life-changing message of Christ in contrast to the purposelessness of a life without Him. Talk about sin and the brokenness that it causes. Explain how sin relates to sickness, poverty, wars, and death. More importantly, share how sin separates us from God.

Navigate the conversation to a point where they begin to ask important questions, like:

- Why am I here on earth?

- Is there any meaning to life?

- What will happen to me after death?

Of all the world religions, only Christianity provides logical, encouraging answers. Only Jesus gives realistic hope. So, tell them that God cares, even when they ignore Him. In fact, He did something to prove His love for them despite their apathy.

Our verse of the day reminds us of God’s perfect love extended to sinners, who are essentially His enemies. Why is His love? Because He sent His dearly beloved Son to take on human form, lead the life required of us, and ultimately give up His life on the Cross. And He did so because He cared for you and me.

Some would say, “I don’t need anyone saving me. If I should die because of my sins, so be it.” That’s just pride talking. They don’t know what they’re talking about. They need to understand that no human being is capable of saving himself and they need saving. It’s your job to help them see their need for Christ.

If you’re coming from a place of genuine care, they just might give you a shot, so, communicate God’s grace and help them see Jesus’ amazing love for them.

Pursue the Savior today!

Photo by kazuend on Unsplash