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9 “I have told the glad news of deliverance in the great congregation; behold, I have not restrained my lips, as you know, O Lord.”

Psalm 40:9

Honestly, true Christians have a conversion story to tell. And that part of our lives isn't supposed to remain a mystery. Three down, two more tips to go. Let's bring this miniseries home.

In our previous blog, we learned that experiential knowledge of God's saving grace is an irrefutable instrument in evangelism. Today, we will discover the last two tips on this list. Here you go!

Probe and ask questions.

You don’t want evangelism to be a monologue; neither should you turn it into a sales pitch! Sharing your faith is supposed to be a dialogue—a conversation. So, establish a chat by asking questions and open yourself to being asked questions. Understand that just because someone asks a question doesn’t mean they’re attacking you. And don’t think that you need to know all the answers to their questions. It’s okay to not know everything! So, whenever you’re unclear, clarify. If you don’t know the answer, acknowledge the question, find it out, and get back to them.

Practice sharing your testimony.

Evangelism isn’t all about sharing the contents of the Gospel; it’s also about proclaiming how Jesus changed your life.  Some believers have life-changing testimonies that can open people’s hearts to the Gospel.

In today’s verse, David shares his boldness in proclaiming God’s goodness. His emotions for the Lord are so strong that He can’t contain them. His heart is filled with thanksgiving to the point where it’s about to burst—and it does—in praise! He does not hold back anything that God wanted Him to declare.

I know, David had a movie-material kind of life. But you don’t need a dramatic life story to be interesting! When I say sharing your testimony, I’m not telling you to start your life story on the day you were born, or how you started working with tractors and combines—you might find your audience gazing at nothingness!

So, it would be nice if you could develop a condensed version of your conversion story (2-3 minutes tops). Include highlights, such as your past life, how you came to the Christian faith, and how God changes you through His word.

Your testimony is not supposed to glorify you, but God. Highlight what Jesus has done to save you. Tell them that He left His heavenly throne to live with sinners and die on the Cross to save you—and them.


Evangelism doesn’t have to be as hard as performing on stage with 20,000 people watching. With these five simple tips, you can take your witnessing to the next level and be an effective witness for Christ.

What other tips can you share to make others more confident in sharing the love of God?

Pursue the Savior today!