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Yet another said, "I will follow you, Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my home." Jesus said to him, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God."

Luke 9:61-62

The Cullinan Diamond, also known as The Star of Africa, is one of the world's most expensive diamonds. It weighs 621.35 grams and 3,106.75 carats uncut. It is priced at a whopping $2 billion. If you were a multi-billionaire, would you be willing to spend billions to have this precious gem?

Let's wrap up our lesson on this passage. Here's the third man who comes to Jesus, wanting to become a disciple, However, he asks permission to bid farewell to his family before going with the Lord. His request does not seem to be irrational or unreasonable. In fact, he is just asking to say his goodbyes to his family and friends. Why didn't Jesus grant the man's request?

In the Old Testament, Elijah came to Elisha to recruit him as his apprentice and successor. Elisha was plowing with twelve yokes of oxen, and Elijah passed by him and cast his cloak. Elisha slaughtered all his animals and burned the wooden equipment and used it as firewood for the meat. Then, he kissed his father and mother goodbye. In other words, Elisha committed to Elijah, and to ensure there is no turning back, Elisha gave up his entire livelihood to focus on serving God. He was all-in.

Going back to our passage, Jesus did not permit the man to go home and say goodbye to his parents. If He did, the man would stay home for about a week, which would have delayed Jesus' timetable. The Lord was about to leave that area and head to Jerusalem. Also, the man's parents could have dissuaded him and made him change his mind. In other words, Jesus is calling the man to follow Him without reservations. 

Mere interest in following Christ isn't enough to become a disciple. That's because interest can quickly go away when we begin to face challenges and opposition. Elisha made sure he was not going back; therefore, he took away his source of income; Jesus' disciples did the same. They left their boats and occupation to go where Jesus went.

The Lord may or may not call you to become a missionary, which would require you to leave your family and livelihood behind. But the whole point of this passage is that if the Lord does call you into the ministry, you would have to make difficult choices.

People are willing to kill to get their hands on the Cullinan Diamond. Nevertheless, even England's royal family who owns this costly stone cannot take it to their graves. On the other hand, what the Lord offers is priceless for those whom He has called.

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it."

Matthew 13:45-46

Pursue the Saviour today!