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"Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another."

Ephesians 4:25

What is a lie? A lie is something that contradicts a fact; it is the direct opposite of the truth. It comes in different forms, such as cheating, false promises, exaggeration, adding to or subtracting from something true, betraying confidence, and making false excuses. Whatever kind of falsehood is used, the intent is the same: to deceive someone.

Lying is a sin and a prominent characteristic of Satan (John 8:44). The first sin humans ever committed was a sin (Genesis 3). One of the Ten Commandments involves a mandate to avoid giving false testimonies (Exodus 20:16). The church's first sin was lying when Ananias and Sapphira lied about their donation to deceive Peter. The result of lying can be severe: Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden, and Ananias and Sapphira were struck dead. Revelation 22:15 tells us that those who practice falsehood will be eternally punished, along with sorcerers, the sexually immoral, murderers, and idolaters.

Today, people lie as if it is a part of their nature. Lying is even promoted in movies and TV shows. In fact, there's a popular nursery rhyme today that demonstrates lying as if it were okay—but it isn't! If God isn't pleased with lying, why should we?

This part of Ephesians 4 is a practical application of the spiritual truths Paul taught in the previous verses. His use of the word "therefore" signals that the teachings he just said are followed by concluding statements. In this case, he highlights that believers should put off falsehood and tell the truth. Contrary to a lie, truth is conforming one's words to reality.

Jesus is the Truth, and there is no falsehood in Him. If we are His followers, there should be no trace of lying and deception in us. Instead, we should lovingly tell the truth (Ephesians 4:15) because we belong to one another and are ultimately one body.

As a believer, you should no longer be identified with lying. Regardless of how culture permits and even promotes falsehood, you must reject all kinds of lies because you are now in the truth. If you have unrepented lies, confess them to the Lord, and ask for forgiveness and strength to avoid lying from now on.

Pursue the Saviour today!