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“but I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil.”

Romans 16:19

Counterfeiting has been a major problem in commerce for decades. In fact, fake products represent some 5 to 8 percent of total world trade (Balfour, 2005). People involved in such activities make fortunes at the expense of legitimate businesses. But selling fake items is dangerous as it damages the sustainability and reputation of the business being faked. Not only does counterfeiting affect the original, but it also impacts customers negatively. And how can we avoid counterfeiting? It is by knowing the original.

In the last part of Paul’s letter to the Romans, the Apostle instructs his readers to be wary of false teachers, who were responsible for dividing the church. They teach doctrines that are contrary to the teachings of Paul and his associates. With their clever speech and cunning flattery, they deceive the minds of unsuspecting people.

Paul reminds the Romans to be wise about things that are good and innocent about what is evil. Being wise about good things is reflected in our obedience to God's word, not mere knowledge of it. But more than just obeying, Paul wants believers to be wise enough to detect false teaching and avoid it. This requires a thorough knowledge of the truth that enables a Christian to easily spot teachings that are inconsistent with Scripture. 

The Greek word for "innocent" is “akeraious,” which means “unmixed, pure, and simple.” It was used of wine that was not diluted. Paul is saying that Christians should be innocent of evil, in the sense that, they do not follow the world’s pattern (Romans 12:2).

Jesus taught the same teaching:

"Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves" 

Matthew 10:16

In a world filled with people who practice counterfeiting and deception, we Christians should be firmly grounded in the truth and have an unshakable determination to uphold it. We must do what is right even when it’s inconvenient.

Counterfeiting is also seen in spiritual things. Paul, throughout his ministry, battled with false teachers who tried to deceive believers. Thankfully, we have Paul’s writings to give us a heads up on counterfeit gospels and help us determine the true one. There is only one Gospel and it’s the only message that saves.

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