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“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.”


John 5:24

How do we know if we're saved? I think one of the first things we need to do is revisit our understanding and conviction of the Good News.

Our previous blog taught us that God does not turn His back on those who call on His name. Here’s another idea for you to consider:

Go back to the Gospel.

The reason some are uncertain of their salvation is that they have missed the true message of the gospel. People have made up different “editions” of the gospel (not to say that there is any other gospel other than the one that’s already proclaimed in the Bible). For this reason, people think that Jesus died to make them rich or successful or to be better versions of themselves.

But in its most basic sense, the gospel is all about God taking on human flesh to die on the cross and save sinners.

We are transgressors who deserve eternal separation from God. But Jesus Christ came to fulfill the demands of the law, take the penalty for our sins by dying in our place, and resurrect on the third day. He received the punishment that we deserved. He paid all of our sins in full.

In response to Jesus’ message, we are commanded to repent of our sins, turn away from them, and put our trust in the Lord Jesus. We cannot subtract from or add to what Jesus had accomplished for us. That is to say, salvation shines the spotlight on Christ, not us.

Jesus, being our Ultimate Judge, decides our destiny. He decreed that anyone who receives His message and believes that He is our Savior will possess eternal life—as soon as that person believes. Such a one will have his rap sheet erased and escape divine judgment and have eternal life offered by the Lord Jesus Himself.

The reason many are unsure of their salvation is that they are indeed not saved because they have missed the message of salvation. But how about you, my friend? Are you convinced that Jesus is the Son of God who added humanity to His nature so that He could die on the Cross for you?

Pursue the Savior today!