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“Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him.”

1 John 5:1

What is a potent mark of true Christian faith?

In the last verse of Chapter 4, we learn that love doesn’t seek personal benefit. Instead, it seeks the best interest of the object of love.

Today, we will study Chapter 5, the final one in John’s first epistle. Verses 1-5 talks about how Christians can overcome the world.

The first part of verse 1 presents an important revelation. John says that everyone who believes (pisteuo, “to place confidence in”) that Jesus is the Christ (christos, “anointed”) has been born of God. In a metaphorical sense, being born of God means being considered God’s child through faith in Christ’s work.

The wording of the statement recalls Peter’s bold confession.

29 And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.”

Mark 4:29

The Apostle Peter speaks on behalf of the band of disciples and declares that Jesus is the Christ (not His last name). In Greek, the word used is “christos” while in Aramaic, it is “mashiach” (Messiah). Both words mean “anointed one.”

What does it mean that Jesus is the “Anointed One?”

A king ascended to the throne by anointing. Likewise, prophets and priests were all anointed. The Messiah is God’s anointed king, prophet, and priest. Jesus performs all three offices.

For a first-century believer to be convinced that Jesus is Christ meant taking a great leap of faith, considering the tremendous amount of persecution associated with identifying oneself with Christ.

John adds that everyone who loves God also loves God’s children. The statement is clear: believers are to love all those who believe in Christ, not just a small group of Christian friends.

To be convinced of who Jesus is and what He’s done is a potent mark of belonging to the Father. But equally important is love for fellow believers—all of them, not just a select few. Our all-inclusive love is a potent mark of true Christian faith.

My friend, how are you doing in terms of demonstrating love for other Christians?

Pursue the Savior today!