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23 But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”

Matthew 16:23


In the grand scheme of things, do our intentions ultimately justify sin?

Yesterday, we learned that because of our sinful nature, our struggle with sin will always be real. From this point on, we will learn how we drift from being Spirit-minded to fleshly-minded.

Here’s a clear description of living in the flesh: when we are ignorant of God’s will.

A fleshly person has a mind that focuses on the things that gratify his body. The term “set their minds on” means “to seek, to strive for.” Spiritual struggle starts with the mind. This doesn’t necessarily mean that such people are the scum of the earth or notorious sinners. They can be those who have good intentions.

In today’s verse, Peter meant well, wanting the Lord Jesus to avoid the cross. However, this wasn’t God’s plan. God had previously decided that the only way for man to be saved was to have the precious blood of Christ spilled on the Cross.

His statement contradicted what God had laid out for Christ. So, Peter received a sharp rebuke, as he was looking at things from an earthly perspective. His idea was incongruous with God’s will. Take note: he meant well, but he was working against God.

In the same way, we can be well-intentioned, but still find ourselves opposing God’s will—especially when we ignore God’s word. Look at the Apostle Paul. He received authorization from the Pharisees to seek Christians and put them behind bars. He even agreed to have some of them murdered, i.e. Stephen. All the while, he thought that he was serving God; yet he was lost in sin. As such, Jesus confronted him and blinded him for three days to help him see his spiritual blindness.

Countess religious people believe that they do things for God, being unaware that they are actually working against Him. In the last days, they will face God and argue with Him, but they will find themselves being on the receiving end of God’s wrath. Jesus will deny them as they ignore His word.

My friend, I hope you aren’t one of them.

Pursue the Savior today!