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7 “In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence.”

Hebrews 5:7


In our previous blog, we discussed apathy as a serious challenge in evangelism. Many people these days don’t care about God or the Bible. But how can we help others see their need for our Savior? Let me give you an important thought to ponder.

Wrestle in prayer.

Prayer is the foremost act of preparation that needs to be established in any evangelistic attempt. It shows our dependence on God and plea for His mercy.

Jesus Christ Himself prayed fervently, not that He might be saved from pain and death. He knew that He had to die to make the salvation of sinners possible. He prayed that the Father’s will be done, even if it meant enduring human barbarism and brutality. He put a high premium on His relationship with the Father, so He always set aside a special moment with Him in prayer. We can see this truth in the fervency of His intercession in the High Priestly Prayer (John 17). He took the battle to the right venue: in the spiritual realm.

Keep in mind that evangelism is spiritual warfare. Paul reminds us that our fight is not against flesh and blood but an organized spiritual group (Ephesians 6:12). For this reason, not only should we be aware of who our enemy is, but we also need to be tactical—we have to put on the whole armor of God. The adversary is smart and stealthy and can use these things to his advantage. Therefore, we should grapple with this formidable enemy in prayer (Ephesians 6:18), knowing that we can’t disarm him alone. We need the Holy Spirit.

And since evangelism is spiritual warfare, we should prepare ourselves for possible roadblocks and ask God to work in the hearts of those we want to reach. In this case, the people’s lack of concern and interest in God is a serious challenge. Only God can convict them of sin and soften their hearts for the Gospel. So, take the time to pray with all earnestness for your prospect. When it comes to preparing for evangelism, there is no substitute for humble, Spirit-filled prayer.

How passionate is your prayer for unbelieving family and friends?

Pursue the Savior today!

Photo by Sandro Schuh on Unsplash