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“eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

Ephesians 4:2

Today’s verse is a continuation of Paul’s exhortation to the Ephesians, whom he wanted to work together and unite. The next virtue he presents is eagerness or endeavor. It literally reads “being eager to maintain or guard the unity of the Spirit”. Christians should actively participate in keeping unity in the church. Every member of the church is to guard not only his own interests but more importantly, the interests of his brothers and sisters in Christ.

Elsewhere, Paul instructs his readers to consider others more significant than themselves, which is crucial in keeping unity. Our bond is damaged when members assert personal agendas without considering others. In other words, when we act selfishly, we break the harmony in the church, thus creating conflict.

The last grace Paul mentions is the bond of peace. Christians are to strive to maintain peace in the congregation. This means that we are to lovingly tolerate one another, even when we disagree over minor issues. In the eyes of the world, disagreeing lovingly is impossible, but from a Christian standpoint, we can achieve this because the Holy Spirit unites us in Christ. He created a spiritual bond that connects us all believers.

In conclusion, God paid a hefty price to purchase our salvation and build His body, the church. You and I are a part of this amazing spiritual entity, and we must work together and keep the peace and unity in the church.

The enemy is like a roaring lion, lurking, and waiting for an opportunity to destroy our oneness. Therefore, we should be on guard, pray continually, and look out for one another. With God on our side, we win as one.

Pursue the Savior today!