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“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”

Hebrews 13:16

Balance—what an important word in every aspect of life. Without balance, we can’t even stand up, let alone walk or run. Without balance, no business will succeed. Without balance, there will always be a huge gap between the wealthy and the poor.

The same principles apply to our spiritual lives. There should be an equilibrium between preaching and practice, between knowledge and love.

That’s the appeal of the writer of the Book of Hebrews to his Christian audience. He explains the connection between doing good to others and praising God. He calls these acts “spiritual,” which does not contrast with material because material gifts can be accepted as spiritual sacrifices. By definition, spiritual means “spiritual in character, to be used by the Spirit for spiritual purposes” (Wiersbe). For example, though physical, our bodies can be spiritual offerings if we surrender them to God to be used for His glory.

The writer explains that doing good and sharing with others are sacrifices that are pleasing to God. He addresses believers who already understand that they are saved by faith alone. His point is that doing good and sharing with others prove that their faith is genuine. Such sacrifices do not cultivate God’s favour since good works are meant to be expressions of gratitude for God’s love. Paul, Peter, and James taught the same principle (1 Thessalonians 1:3; 1 Peter 1:5-9; James 2:17).

In conclusion, the Christian life should involve the right balance of biblical knowledge and practical application. We should not only know spiritual truth; we must also act according to what we know. What better way to prove our calling than by imitating the character and works of our Lord Jesus? He served as a fountain of wisdom and demonstrated His love in many ways, the most profound of which was dying on the Cross to save us.

I encourage you to get out of your comfort zone, look around you, reach out to those in need, and do something to ease their suffering. Create that balance and impact the world in your little yet Christ-centered ways.

Pursue the Saviour today!