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"But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law."

Galatians 5:18

Do I have to experience any supernatural events to say that the Holy Spirit leads me? Can I be Spirit-led if I don't "hear" God's voice? Am I a second-class Christian if I do not have mystical, miraculous experiences?

These are some of the questions I used to ask myself, especially during my early years as a believer. I envied some who claimed to have special, supernatural moments with God, which I never had. I came to a point where I doubted if God even listened to me.

So, I went to the only place where God spoke to me: His written Word. As I delved deeper into my study of the Bible, things became much clearer to me. I learned that the Holy Spirit's leading is more than just an experience. He guides me to seek the truth (John 16:13-15) and live a righteous life (Galatians 5:22-23).

Let's go to our verse of the day. Paul explains that a Spirit-led person is no longer under the law. This section is Paul's response to the false teaching that adds circumcision as essential to salvation. He reminds the Galatians about the importance of living a a godly life without necessarily reverting to legalism. Living in the Spirit is neither following a set of to-do lists nor a license to sin. It is a loving response to God’s grace and mercy.

The path to sanctification involves a lot of struggles. It's a never-ending battle between the Spirit and the flesh. These two will always collide because their appetites are contrary to one another. The Spirit wants to please God while the flesh wants to yield to sin. 

The Holy Spirit writes God's law on our hearts (Hebrews 10:16), enabling us to want to obey Him lovingly. Of course, when we obey God, we subdue our sinful nature. You can't do both good and evil at the same time!

In conclusion, being Spirit-led requires faith and submission to God's will, who revealed Himself in Scripture. You do not need a special revelation or a supernatural experience to be led by the Holy Spirit. But you do have to submit your will to God, and He will guide you in truth and righteousness. He will instruct you through Scripture and give you the desire and ability to live a God-honoring life. 

No, you're not a second-class Christian just because you don't have supernatural moments with God. If you put your trust in Jesus, you're a Christian—and a Spirit-filled life is available to you.

Pursue the Saviour today!