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“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Matthew 16:18

What is the church? Is it a place where religious people meet? Or is it the body of believers in Jesus Christ? How did the church start?

The dictionary offers several meanings for the word “church,” and the first one that comes up is “a building for public Christian worship.” The second meaning shows: “public worship of God or a religious service in such a building.”

Our first verse for this series comes from the passage where Peter confesses his faith in the Lord Jesus as Christ and Son of God. According to Jesus, Peter’s conclusion was a direct revelation from God, not a result of personal evaluation or study.

Jesus acknowledges Peter’s confession and reveals His next project: the foundation of the Church. Contrary to what others believe, the Church was not founded on Peter, also known as Simon. Matthew, the writer, used the Greek term “ekklesia,” which means “a called-out assembly.”

Jesus says that Peter is as strong as a rock (petros, a masculine noun), but adds that on this rock (petra, a feminine noun), He will build His church. Because of the changes in the words used, it would be incorrect to assume that the church was founded on Peter, a fallible individual who would later deny Jesus three times (John 18:15-27) and be rebuked by Paul for his bias (Galatians 2:11-14).

Though Peter appears as the spokesperson among the Twelve, he is not to be viewed as the cornerstone of the church. Rather, he shared the same authority as the other Apostles.

Furthermore, Jesus uses the future tense “will build” to describe the certainty of the establishment of His church. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that Jesus Christ Himself is the Founder of the Church.

Jesus also tells Peter that “the gates of hell shall not prevail” over the church. This statement can mean the church will not only endure but overcome opposition. The powers of death will be conquered by the power of the resurrection of the dean in Christ.

Peter, despite his flaws and fluctuating mind, was used powerfully by God. He became the leading ambassador of the church in its earliest days. Thousands of people were saved through his sermons; he wrote two divinely inspired letters and died as a martyr. But Peter did not start Christianity—Jesus Christ did.

The Church is the assembly of all the people around the world, who have repented and come to Jesus Christ in faith. We believe that He is the Son of God and the Messiah. This truth is what keeps the gates of hades closed on us.

Have you repented of your sins and put your trust in Jesus Christ? If so, you are a part of the Church. You and I, along with the millions of people who committed their lives to Christ are the Church. We’re not a building, but we’re working together to help build the Kingdom of God.

Pursue the Savior today!