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18 “We know that everyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning, but he who was born of God protects him, and the evil one does not touch him.”


1 John 5:18




It’s a new year, and we’re thankful for the new things God will allow us to experience. He is worthy to be praised, not only because of His blessings but for who He is.


We’re only four blogs away from completing our study of the Book of 1 John. And in these last four verses, the Apostle concludes his enlightening message.


In our last blog, we learned that sin is no longer compatible with our new nature. In today’s verse, John begins his closing statement by reminding his readers of the basic truths of the Christian faith.


First, all believers are children of God. Second, Believers do not live a life of sin. Third, Jesus protects His people. Fourth, the devil has no hold on the saints.


To refresh our minds, John is challenging his readers to be discerning and not be deceived by false teachers. No matter how eloquent and convincing those frauds may be, their claims fall flat on the basis of conduct. The Apostle points out that a life of sin is inconsistent with a spiritual life received from God.


This verse shows us that John understands the hardship involved in choosing the path of Christ. The presence of opposing forces makes living as a new creation an uphill battle for a Christian. That said, John puts his confidence in Christ who is able to protect believers from the fiery darts of the enemy.


Jesus makes us partakers of the divine nature, that is, we now have the strength to do what God wants us to do. But it takes perseverance to keep ourselves untouched by the evil one. Sin should no longer be our lifestyle; it should no longer define us. Therefore, let’s follow the Bible’s instruction: resist the devil and he will flee (James 4:7).


Pursue the Savior today!