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21 “Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God;”

1 John 3:21

Have you ever had a hard time praying because of something you said or did against someone? I’m sure it wasn’t a good feeling. You probably carried the weight of guilt and weren’t particularly happy about it.

In today’s verse, John addresses his readers as beloved (“agapetos,” “dear, favorite, worthy of love”), demonstrating how he honors his fellow believers. He assures them of knowing when their heart (“kardia,” “the center of all physical and spiritual life”) is pure, it will not condemn (“kataginosko,” “to find fault with, to accuse”) them.

Showing selfless love for their Christian brothers and sisters will keep them from condemning themselves. This love results in confidence (“parresia,” “freedom in speaking, unreservedness in speech”) in their relationship with God.

Shame and guilt are barriers to our petitions. Prayer, in and of itself, is already a pretty arduous task, especially because you cannot hear the other Person on the other line. What makes it all the more challenging is when you are guilty of disobeying God. For example, if you had a recent fight with your spouse, your prayers may be held up.

7 “Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.”

1 Peter 3:7

How do you feel about asking for favors from someone you have hurt? It’s awkward, isn’t it? The same thing happens when we hide sin in our hearts. Sin comes from a lack of love, and when we sin, we act unlovingly.

On the other hand, demonstrating sacrificial love for others gives us confidence. A reproof-free heart is essential to a vigorous prayer life. When we don’t have any excess baggage, we can impassively present our needs before God. He may or may not give us what we ask for, but our clean consciences will create a clear line of communication with Him.

Ask God to fill your heart with love to share with others and enjoy the benefits of having unhindered prayers.

Pursue the Savior today!

