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“Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.”
1 Peter 2:16
Since we are free in Christ, can we now do whatever we want?
Today’s verse warns anyone who wants to use Christianity as an ostensible reason to veil their evil acts. Peter penned this letter to the dispersed believers to encourage them to place their hope in Christ amid severe persecution.
Believers are free from bondage to sin, the Devil, and selfish desires. However, we shouldn’t use this “freedom” as a smoke screen for wickedness. True freedom allows us to serve God freely. However, it is not a license to do as we please.
Christians are representatives of Christ to the world, and it is our responsibility to demonstrate righteousness and holy living. This responsibility includes our respect and submission to earthly authorities. The Bible tells us that the government’s power comes from God, and we should submit to it.
Still, we must exercise discernment and wisdom in submitting to specific laws. Not every mandate is morally and spiritually sound. If particular rules go against clear biblical teachings, we should choose to obey what the Bible instructs. Do you remember how Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego stood up for their faith and refused to bow down to Nebuchadnezzar’s golden idol? Do you remember how the Apostles disobeyed the Jewish leaders’ mandate to stop preaching Jesus? In the same way, choosing to not submit to laws that contradict biblical principles is entirely justifiable.
As free men and women who fear God, we have the liberty to worship the Lord, exercise our faith, and obey God’s delegated authority. But we must understand that our freedom doesn’t give us the right to use it for illicit, unholy activities. Though God has unchained us from the ropes of sin, He has made us His slaves.
Therefore, we should feel free to serve our King.
Pursue the Saviour today!