9 “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Romans 10:9
How Can My Christmas Be Merry?
Here’s the thing: when we say “Merry Christmas,” we essentially invoke a blessing. We want that person to have a happy, joyous, and meaningful celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
It’s no different than saying “God Bless You,” which is a declaration of God’s blessing, favor, and protection. However, if I were an unbeliever, such a word of blessing would not affect me because the gap between me and God is still in effect. I still can’t reach God with my sins remaining on my account.
Wishing someone a “Merry Christmas” goes beyond wanting them to have a bountiful, festive celebration. You are wishing them to enjoy the eternal promises of Jesus to those who put their trust in Him.
So, to answer our question, you need to make sure you are a Christian. That is to say, you have heard the Gospel, understood its message, acknowledged your sinfulness, asked God for forgiveness, repented of your sins, and believed that Jesus alone could save you. It is to commit your life, future, and eternity to God through faith in Jesus Christ.
In today’s verse, Paul tells us that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a message that should be both confessed and believed. To confess is to show outward evidence of your faith in Jesus, which includes being convinced that He bore our sins on the Cross and rose from death as a sign of God’s approval. Believing goes beyond agreeing; it involves having a deep saving faith in Christ. It is trusting Jesus, and understanding you have no means of going to heaven apart from Him.
If you have entrusted your life to Christ, you can have a genuinely merry Christmas. God’s blessing, favor, and protection are with you. And the best part: you’re heaven-bound.
As a believer, your Christmas should be merry because Jesus came to solve your biggest problem: God. Our sins created a barrier between us and the eternally holy God. By sinning, not only did we defy God’s laws, but we also violated our chief purpose in life—to bring glory to God who would not receive worship from sin-stained hands.
Thankfully, Jesus came to make things right. He was born in Bethlehem so He could die at Calvary, pay for your sins, and restore your relationship with God. If you receive His offer of salvation, He is now your Father; you are now His child. Therefore, you will have a truly Merry Christmas—whether you have a festive celebration or not.
Pursue the Savior today, have a truly Merry Christmas, and a Joyful New Year!