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"If you love me, you will keep my commandments."

John 14:15


Unconditional love. It's one of the clichès in evangelical Christianity. Because of this term, many professing Christians are left under the impression that they are "deeply loved" by God, and this love has no conditions. To them, Jesus did everything on their behalf, and regardless of what they do (or not do), God will still love them unconditionally, even when they deliberately disobey His word. On the other hand, some would argue that he must obey God for one to be saved. These beliefs are both extreme and wrong.

From one angle, God's love is unconditional, meaning, He loves everyone He created (John 3:16). He is fair to all.

"For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.”

Matthew 5:45

But this doesn't mean that everyone is saved by default, and one's behaviour is irrelevant to his standing with God.

Today's verse is part of Jesus' prediction of the coming of the Holy Spirit. Before this, He reassured His disciples that their faith in Him meant faith in God. Should they struggle to believe that He is in the Father and the Father is in Him, His works would prove His claims and should be enough evidence for them to believe.

Jesus tells the disciples about His impending death, resurrection, and ascension. When He is back with the Father, they are the ones who will continue what He started.

Previously, Jesus taught His disciples that their love for one another is the main proof of their faith (John 13:35). Now He's telling them that their obedience to His command is proof of their love for Him. 

In other words, believers don't get saved because they obey; instead, they obey because they are saved. Throughout the Bible, love and faith always go together. God's love and our faith in Jesus Christ make salvation possible.

Jesus does not only refer to the ethical instructions found in this passage, but the whole revelation of God found in Scripture. Christians don't get to choose what commands to obey while ignoring the rest. Instead, we will abide by all of His commandments. However, we don’t obey innately; the Holy Spirit allows us to do so.

If we claim to love the Lord, we must walk as He did (1 John 2:6). Jesus lived a life of absolute obedience to the Father. The 33 years He spent on earth are an expression of His sincere love for the Father. His death on the Cross is the ultimate proof of His love for us. Jesus did not give a command to obey just because He had the authority; He modelled His life to help us understand what it means to obey because we love.

Saying "I love You, Lord" is something anyone can say (or sing). But there's more to it than merely declaring our affection for Him. It encompasses our entire being: mind, heart, and will. Love for God and obedience to His Word is the Christian's ultimate commitment.

Pursue the Saviour today!