17 And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Mark 2:17
In a harsh spiritual environment, we can find comfort in Jesus Christ, who offers His grace and mercy if we come to Him in faith.
Our previous blog reminded us that God is willing to forgive all sins, including self-righteousness. The time has come to put this series to a close. Here’s our last point:
Jesus Christ saves people from their sins and heals their souls.
Self-righteous people have no use for Jesus because they think they’re “fine.” They are convinced that they do enough good to merit salvation. To them, Christ has nothing to offer. They fail to see their true spiritual condition because they are blinded by their ego. Of course, others are simply misinformed. But as long as they think that they are fine, they won’t see their need for Christ.
On the other hand, people who do see Jesus as their Savior find not only the forgiveness of their sins but also healing for their souls. Imagine the emotional and mental toll the Pharisees have caused on those who did not subscribe to their traditions. They were considered persona non grata, treated almost as lepers. They were despised, hated, and excommunicated.
But Jesus, the spotless, sinless Son of God, made friends with them and gave them hope. He forgave their sins and saw them as human beings made in God’s image. Jesus allowed them to gain self-respect; He empowered them. He restored their dignity as people.
3 “He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.”
Psalm 23:3
God offers a truly meaningful life. He restores our dignity. And the best part: He no longer calls our sins into account. Neither does He keep a record of them. Best of all, He gives us a place among God’s people. With Him, our identity is secure, knowing that we are forgiven and blessed with eternal life.
God provides us with constant, unfailing care and protection. Though we can get hurt and exhausted, we can find rest and healing in the arms of our loving Father. In life, we will always have trials, but He gives us victories. We are living in a fallen world, but He gives us hope. One day we will be at home with our Lord in His kingdom forever.
Pursue the Savior today!
Photo by Ashutosh Saraswat on Unsplash