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"For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace."

Romans 6:14

Carpenters are such a blessing, and we should be thankful to God for them. Without their expertise, who would have built our homes? I’m just glad that we have dedicated people who find pleasure in creating something out of wood. 

I was wondering why the Lord Jesus would choose carpentry as His earthly profession before entering ministry full-time. 

A carpenter builds physical objects with his tools. For sure, Jesus could've created homes, cabinets, beds, and other things by the sheer sound of His voice. But He likely used carpentry tools just as any other carpenter would.

In Romans 6, Paul instructs the church in Rome to avoid using their bodies as instruments of wickedness but offer every part of themselves to God as an instrument of righteousness. He reminds his readers that they are no longer under the law (a likely reference to the Mosaic Law) but under grace. Paul is not suggesting that there is no law in the new covenant nor is he implying that there is no grace in the old covenant. While the law of Moses was a gift to Israel, it didn’t have the power to conquer the power of sin. Thankfully, Jesus’ finished work on the Cross achieved just that.

A carpentry tool only serves its purpose if it is used by a carpenter to build things. In other words, a tool is enslaved to its master because it gets its purpose and meaning from the one who controls it.

In the same way, we must understand that our physical bodies are God's tools to do good things. We serve our life's purpose only when we allow God to use us for His glory. Before we received God’s forgiveness, we used our bodies to serve evil; but those days are over. When we repented of our sins and placed our saving faith in Jesus Christ, we surrendered our bodies to Him. He practically purchased us from the slave market of sin. Therefore, He now owns us. He is now our Master.

Our goal is to serve Christ and help Him build His body, the Church. But for us to be useful, we have to surrender ourselves to the Master's hands daily. Our bodies can be tools that God can use to bring hope and change to the people around us.

I encourage you to yield to the Holy Spirit and surrender your will to Him. Part of His ministry is to set you apart for God and lead you to live a holy life. Your Master is building His home, and He wants to use you to accomplish that goal. Rejoice because you have a noble purpose: you are the Master Builder's tool.

Pursue the Saviour today!