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9 “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

Galatians 6:9

We have been talking about church hurt and how to deal with the pain biblically. Our last blog said that personal issues are best kept private. That is, we should face the other person with humility and the desire to protect their reputation.

Here’s another step you should take to move toward healing:

Fight the good fight.

I’m not telling you to get into a fight with the person who hurt you. As a Christian, your battle is not flesh and blood, remember? What I mean is that resist the urge to move away or attack the other person. Make room for second chances and strive to be reconciled with the person. And try not to give up on the church—because when you do, then it’s a win for the enemy. For sure, you will find people in the church who genuinely want you back and see you restored. So, don’t give up.

Galatians 6 is a good chapter to go to find out how Christians are to treat each other. We are to minister to those stumbling to get back on track by helping carry their burdens. And we should do so without giving up. In other words, we shouldn’t get discouraged but keep sowing hope in their hearts.

Being hurt can lead to discouragement and eventually giving up. But God’s Word encourages you today to not throw in the towel. Keep going, and fight for the cause of Christ. His mission is a good fight.

So, be united with the church, and, together, continue to spread the love and truth of Christ to the lost and hurt. If the cut is too deep and you find it hard to return to your former church, or if it is unsafe for you to be there, ask God to lead you to a healthy church and help you fulfill your mission there.


Anyone can get hurt by someone in the church. That’s why we need to make allowances for people’s shortcomings or overstepping. Let’s look unto Jesus, who was betrayed by one of His closest friends, disowned by His protegé, and rejected by His nation. But did He give up? No. Instead, he finished the mission and won your and my salvation.