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“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

Psalm 147:3

Some people believe in God but think that He isn’t personal. He created the world, set it in motion, and now watches from a distance. The Bible says otherwise. Scripture reveals that God is a personal deity. Yes, He created the universe and set it in motion, but He looks closely at every detail of it, especially when it comes to human beings—the ones made in His image.

In our verse of the day, the Psalmist writes about the Lord’s closeness to His people. God’s personal relationship with people can be seen in how He related to Abraham and his descendants, the Israelites. Despite all the disciplining, wars, and famines the Israelites had to experience, God’s loving hands have always been there to care for them.

That same care is given to believers. God knows our thoughts regardless of who we are, what we do, or where we are. He searches our hearts and minds and knows everything found in them. He knows what makes us happy; He knows our greatest desires; He understands our deepest needs. He also knows our weaknesses and turns them into strengths. He is a God who cares.

That’s why God came to earth two thousand years ago, put on human flesh, and lived with His creation. He ate, slept, perspired, and got hungry—just like you and me. He felt joy, anger, and sadness. Because He attended parties, He knew what it meant to celebrate. But because He attended funerals, also He knew what it meant to mourn. He connects to us on a personal level because He is a personal (dear, close, intimate) God.

In times of pain and suffering, we can turn to God’s word for real comfort and peace. Our greatest comfort during times of distress comes from Jesus, our personal Lord.

Pursue the Savior today!