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25 “For the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality.”


Colossians 3:25


In yesterday’s blog, we learned that God is innately good. Here’s another biblical truth that demonstrates God’s most neglected attribute:

He metes out justice.

The Bible often uses justice and righteousness interchangeably. However, some people accuse God of being unfair and unkind. They argue that God can’t be just and righteous as He allows innocent people to suffer while letting guilty criminals off the hook.

But if we truly want to understand God’s justice, we must begin with having the right understanding of sin. Sin is when we act selfishly and rebelliously against God. Sin is the personification of everything that contradicts God’s holiness. As such, sin is a violation, not only of God’s laws but also of His nature and our calling as people made in His image. Since God is a holy God, and since sin is a crime against Him, He demands a penalty that corresponds to His nature. Thus, the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) and eternal separation from Him (Romans 2:5).

Let’s talk about our verse of the day.

Paul gives the Colossians instructions on Christian living, including directions for husbands, wives, children, and servants. In verse 25, Paul reassures the afflicted bondservants of God’s future justice on behalf of the hurt and abused. This is a word of comfort for those who suffered from cruel masters.

In context, this is a warning to Christian slaves against doing evil just because they were being treated unfairly.  This verse reminds us that God disciplines even those whom He has already saved. It also encourages us to have a sense of dignity at work because God sees our hearts.

Just because we are God’s children doesn’t mean He will turn a blind eye to our wrongdoing. What’s wrong is wrong, regardless of who commits it. And God makes sure that justice is served, even if it means His own children having to suffer for their own errors.

More importantly, God will make sure that those who abuse others will pay. For this reason, we are encouraged to endure mistreatment and not fight fire with fire. Our God is the God of justice. He doesn’t ignore our tribulations but is working in the background, guaranteeing the innocent with be comforted and the guilty will be punished.

Pursue the Savior today!