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8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Acts 1:8


I was given the opportunity to know a couple who have decided to leave their homeland and start a mission in a country that is 99 percent Muslim. The burden in their hearts was so heavy, that even though they had a young family, they resolved to take their family to a foreign country to tell others about Jesus.

As I was thinking of them, I was inspired by their courage and selflessness. They are a couple who have undoubtedly overcome the fear of evangelism.

In today’s verse, the Lord Jesus suppresses the disciples’ curiosity about future events and fixes their focus on the ministry that awaits them.

The disciples will be able to serve as Jesus’ witnesses in different parts of the world, beginning in Jerusalem. In the very place where the Lord was crucified, the disciples are told to preach the Gospel. How are they able to do this? Through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Here’s the kicker: the Holy Spirit that empowered the Apostles is the same Holy Spirit that enables us to open our mouths and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

But not everyone is bold enough to do so.

Why Do We Fear Sharing Our Faith?

Witnessing is something many Christians dread. Sharing what we believe in can be quite scary, especially because there’s always the possibility of losing friends—you don’t know who will accept your message and who won’t.

Another reason for struggling with evangelism is ignorance—we don’t know what to say. How many of us can actually present the Gospel clearly? Where in the Bible can we find it? To make things more challenging, some have made the Gospel too complicated to the point where some of us have begun to doubt if we are even saved.

The lack of concern can also keep us from evangelizing. A lot of professing Christians don’t seem to pay much attention to people’s eternal destinies. They believe in hell, but their fear (or indifference) is greater than their desire to share the Gospel.

There are other reasons why we don’t share our faith, but for the sake of time, these three should do. Do you find any of these reasons as a stumbling block for your desire to reach out to unbelievers?

In this miniseries, we will learn 5 proven ways to take your witnessing to the next level.

Pursue the Savior today!