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15 “My mouth will tell of your righteous acts, of your deeds of salvation all the day, for their number is past my knowledge.”

Psalm 71:15

Not every believer is confident about having a theological tête-à-tête. But there is something that can be done to make a strong case for Christ.

In this miniseries, we will learn 5 proven ways to take your witnessing to the next level. Here’s our second tip:

Passion makes it natural.

When you’re passionate about something, you can talk about it for hours without losing energy. So, if your heart beats for Jesus, it will overflow out of your mouth. Sometimes, you don’t have to be so crafty and eloquent with words; you just have to be real. People are persuaded not because we sound smart, but because we mean what we say.

Today’s verse is part of an individual lament psalm where the writer praises God for His faithfulness and righteousness. He expresses his hope in God and declares His plan of proclaiming it to others. He is confident that God will deliver him from his present ordeal, and once he is set free, he will tell people of God’s saving grace and protection.

If you are a true believer, you have firsthand experience of God’s power and goodness. He saved you from your dark past and gave you a hopeful future. And if you understand the lengths Jesus had to go to reach you, nothing will stop you from sharing your testimony with others.

When your heart is filled with gratitude for the goodness and glory of Christ, passion for Him comes naturally. So, speak from experience. Your passion will make it really effective, and the best part: your changed life will back you up.

Pursue the Savior today!