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"Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent."

Revelation 2:5

I remember the days when I first came to Christ. Everything was new, fresh, and exciting. I wanted every day to be Sunday! Not that I wasn't thankful for the rest of the week, but there's just something about the Lord's Day that gave me such a thrill and enthusiasm. Here I am, more than a decade later, still as excited about every Sunday as I was at first.

I wish every believer feels the same. But some whose love for God dwindles as the years go by. Going to church has become no more than a routine to them. The passion is gone; so is the excitement.

Our verse of the day is a reminder that we should never lose our zeal for God and the Church. In the Book of Revelation, the Lord Jesus unveiled the things yet to come. He addressed seven churches in Asia Minor (modern Turkey).

Christ praised the Church at Ephesus for its deeds, hard work, and perseverance. It did not tolerate wicked men, endured hardships, and hated the practices of the Nicolaitans, who were likely false teachers.

Despite the long list of recognitions, the Lord rebuked the Ephesians for losing their first love. Ephesus faced unique challenges, mainly because it served as a center for the emperor's worshipers and followers of the Greek goddess Artemis (Diana). Ephesus was home to Artemis's great temple, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. This city was also a hub for magicians, cults, and temple prostitutes.

Undoubtedly, the Ephesians hated the erroneous teachings and practices of fake apostles, but they also lost their love for God and people. Their sacrifices and hard work were no longer prompted by their love for Christ and His Church.

The Lord warned them to change their minds and ways (repent), and return to where they started: a church that genuinely had a burning passion for God and the saints. He also told them that should they neglect His warning; He would "remove their lampstand from its place," meaning, the Church would no longer exist to witness for Christ. Today, the once glorious city of Ephesus is but a heap of stones, uninhabited and desolate.

This church was founded by the great Apostle Paul and was later pastored by Timothy and the Apostle John. It was built on love and truth, but somewhere along the way, they lost love that love for Christ and His people.

Our passion for God should always be burning. While we try to do away with evil deeds and strive to defend the faith, we should never lose our hearts for God and the Church. Winning debates is not a substitute for personal devotional time, communion with God, and fellowship with the Church. Remember, not only should we love the Lord with our mind and strength, but we should also love Him with all our heart and soul.

Pursue the Saviour today!