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"Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you."

1 Samuel 12:24

Every person on the planet is a recipient of God's goodness (Matthew 5:45), and it's one of the reasons we should want to serve Him. Having a personal relationship with God produces the desire to be in His Majesty's service. When God speaks to a person's heart, the immediate response is the yearning to be used by Him.

In today's verse, the prophet Samuel warns the people of Israel to serve God faithfully. They were unhappy with God being their King and asked for a human ruler and be just like the other nations.


Because they envied the neighbouring nations, Israel failed to see how good God has been to them. They forgot the covenant they have made with the Lord that He alone would they serve (Deuteronomy 6:13). Moses warned them that if they obeyed God, He would bless them; if they disobeyed, He would humble them. But Israel became negligent and forgetful which caused them to lose track of their covenant with the Lord.

As for us, the relationship we have with God must be rooted in love, and when we love God, we can't disregard His goodness. Faithful service is the result of a real passion for God. Who wouldn't want to serve a God who gave His own life to undeserving people?

How thankful are you to God for being good?

Pursue the Saviour today!