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7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:7

Peace doesn’t mean the absence of conflict or problems. It means having a quiet spirit in the midst of unfavorable situations. It means being calm and still despite our circumstances. God alone is the source of this perfect peace.

In today’s verse, the Bible gives us a wonderful promise that when we clear our minds and hearts from anxiety, God will give us His own peace. This peace is the kind that goes beyond human comprehension. It protects the heart against illnesses of the mind, including stress, worry, and depression.

Because of Christ’s atoning sacrifice on the cross, we are at peace with God. But if Christ isn’t our joy, if we don’t trust Him for our concerns, and if we do not exhibit gratitude, we will not have the peace of God.

The truth is, we don’t have to wait till a problem gets solved before we can experience this peace. We can have it right now if we cast our cares to God. And let’s keep in mind that God remains sovereign in our prayers. He calls the shots. Therefore, the peace of God does not come from God’s answer to our prayers but from trusting in His faithfulness.

The peace of God is not dependent on the magnitude of our problems. If we know who our God is, and what He does, and if we approach Him with humility, faith, and gratitude, we can face any trial and thank God for it. According to Paul, this is the peace that transcends all human understanding; it is humanly unexplainable. While you can’t explain it, you sure can experience it.

Pursue the Savior today!