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"give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

1 Thessalonians 5:18

What are you thankful for? While most of us thank God each time we receive an answer to our prayers or before enjoying a hot meal, not many thank God for trials and persecution. It's easy to thank God when the storm is over, but while the violent winds and heavy rains pound your home, do you thank God for the situation? Believe it or not, God's will is for you and I to thank Him in all circumstances—whether we like them not.

The Apostle Paul says that the Thessalonians are to give thanks to God in every situation of life. It's one thing to thank God "in" their circumstances, but to thank Him "for" their problems is another.

As Christians, we are to understand that God allows things to happen to train us to endure hardship and help us trust Him even when things don't happen according to our plans. Some are used to suffering because they have trained themselves in such situations, but Christians should take it up a notch. Not only should we deal with trials and persecution, but we should also embrace them because we know that "all things work together for our good" (Romans 8:28).

If we truly trust God, we know that nothing happens by accident; instead, God Himself preordained and orchestrated everything to accomplish His will for His people. Our human nature may tell us to be mad at the situation, but the Holy Spirit invites us to thank God for the condition.

Let’s say your doctor gives you a piece of paper telling you that you only have six months to live. How would you respond to the situation? Will you be worried? Will you question God's love? Will you be mad? Or will you humbly accept the truth? Will you ask for other doctor's opinion? Or will you thank God for your circumstances and trust that everything is part of His greater plan?

If we take a look around, we will find countless reasons to thank God. But do we actually thank Him for our trials and hardships? I encourage you to take your faith to a whole new level. Don't just believe the facts about Jesus; trust Him with all your heart, soul, and mind. Thank Him even when the going gets tough.

Pursue the Saviour today!