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31 “but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”


Isaiah 40:31


We have been talking about church hurt and how to deal with the pain in a biblical way. In our last blog, we said that personal issues are best kept private. That is, we should face the other person with humility and the desire to protect their reputation.

Here’s another step you should take to move toward healing:

Feed on God’s Word.

You may be tempted to distance yourself from God and His Word. But if you’re already hurting and without fellowship, why would you deprive yourself of spiritual nourishment? So, don’t stop reading the Bible. Instead, spend time with God even for just a few minutes in a day. Think of it as your soul’s way of replenishing its strength.

In today’s verse, the people of Judah are discouraged and unsure whether or not God still cares for them. So, God speaks through Isaiah and tells them to keep trusting in the Lord and expect their strength to be renewed.

Our God is a God who upholds His people—especially, the weary ones. The term “renew” suggests an exchange of strength—trading your strength with God’s. You may think you’re not able to overcome this season in your life, but if you put your trust in God, He will give you His strength to endure and heal.

Pursue the Savior today!