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17 “All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin that does not lead to death.”

1 John 5:17

Yesterday, we learned that we should care about our fellow believers enough that when we see them participate in some sinful activity, we should intercede for them.

Today’s verse gives us a different perspective on sin. Previously, John defined sin as “lawlessness (3:4). This time around, he says that all wrongdoing (adikia) is sin. The Greek term used is a reference to injustice.

Could it be that some of John’s readers thought that sin was limited to obvious misconduct and lawless acts? Possibly. However, this belief is inaccurate, and John wants to correct their view.

Therefore, the Apostle says that all wrongdoing is sin, even when God’s children are guilty of it. That said, he also adds that not all sin ultimately leads to death. This statement informs us that there are different degrees of sin—some are more serious than others.

What can we take from this verse? Since John wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we can see how God views sin. We can see that not only is God gracious, but He is also just in how He addresses sin. He will not chasten a petty thief in the same way He will fine a convicted murderer. His justice will be appropriate for the sin committed.

As children of God, we are told to avoid all kinds of wrongdoing. Sin is no longer compatible with our new nature; neither is it consistent with our heavenly citizenship.

May God give us the strength to do His will, especially in overcoming our sinful tendencies.

Pursue the Savior today!