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“For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.”

Hebrews 6:10


Is it possible for a genuine believer to continue serving God and the church while not growing in faith? If so, what will God do to them on the Lord’s Day? Will He forget all of the sacrifices they made for Him and punish them instead? Will He honour the good things they have done? Will He hold them accountable for their lack of maturity?

In the previous verses of Hebrews 6, the writer gave a stern warning against “falling away,” which constitutes severe disciplining. There are at least four different views among Bible scholars and interpreters concerning this passage, but for the sake of time, we’ll save this one for future studies.

Verse 9 is a transition from a severe warning to a concluding encouragement. The author knew his words were heavy and felt that a word of encouragement was needed. He gives a confession of hope that his readers will heed his warning and strive for spiritual maturity. This confession implies that his audience was currently stuck in spiritual immaturity and wanted them to change course. Yes, some believers are serving in ministry while being jammed in their spiritual life.

Our verse of the day gives assurance that God isn’t like someone ready to disregard everything done for Him simply because His servants fell away. That’s not the God of the Bible. That, of course, demands that the ones serving Him are genuine believers.

Verse 10 presents a very compelling case: the ones who are demonstrating spiritual immaturity are also the ones who are actively involved in serving the Christian community. The writer assures them that God will not dismiss their acts of service, but He does not negate the possibility of “falling away” either. In other words, Christians must love truth and righteousness and grow in wisdom to effectively serve others and bring glory to God.

In conclusion, God is faithful; He will not ignore our sacrifices. In due time, He will give us rewards that match our acts of service. If we continue serving Him while striving for spiritual maturity, we will become more effective servants, and God will be honoured by what we do.

Pursue the Saviour today!