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8 Jesus answered, “I told you that I am he. So, if you seek me, let these men go.”

John 18:8

Sometimes, especially when we are in tough situations, we feel like God has forgotten us. We think that He is powerless to bring His promises to fruition. But what is He doing when we don't see His hands working?

Yesterday, we learned that Jesus is who He claimed to be: God.

Let’s carry on.

In verses 8-11, we can see the Lord’s courage to reveal Himself to His arresters. Despite knowing the brutality of the succeeding events, He does not shrink back from this suspenseful moment. The fact that He just brought hundreds of armed, trained officers to their feet by the sheer sound of His voice shows that He is in absolute control of the situation. He tells the cohort that if they seek Him, they should let the disciples go. He issued orders to those who came to arrest Him!

Jesus is speaking from a place of authority; He is not making a plea or request. After showing the soldiers what He can do, Jesus willingly gives Himself up. If He so decides, He could take them out by the sound of His voice. He could’ve summoned a legion of angels to overthrow the opposing force. But He didn’t

It’s quite noticeable how He wants to secure the safety of His disciples (which is reminiscent of His words in chapter 10). Previously, Jesus told the disciples that not one of them would be taken from His hand. He guaranteed their safety. John adds a commentary that this scene is the fulfillment of the word Jesus spoke earlier that night (17:12). True enough, not one of the eleven disciples was harmed.

When we look at the situation, it seems like Jesus is caught in a corner and is powerless to defend Himself and the disciples. But He is exactly where He wanted to be. The hour of His suffering has begun, and the Roman contingent is only an instrument to carry out God’s master plan. The enemies thought they were winning, but they weren’t. Indeed, the Lord Jesus is sovereign, even when it seems like darkness prevails.

Jesus is our Good Shepherd. As such, He ensures not only our nourishment but also our safety. He would rather put Himself in harm’s way than let any one of His sheep suffer. Do you remember the Parable of the Lost Sheep? The shepherd had to leave the 99 in order to rescue the missing one.

Likewise, each one of His saints is valuable in the Lord’s sight. He will ensure that no matter what the enemy does, he will never allow even one of them to suffer eternally. Therefore, every believer is safe and secure in the Lord’s hand.

My friend, if you are discouraged and worried about your soul, come to Jesus. He will rescue you and ensure your safety. The world is His, so no one is powerful enough to take you from His care.

Pursue the Savior today!