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7 “For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot.”

Romans 8:7

Living a fleshly life despite a profession of faith in Christ shows a deeply alarming spiritual condition. But open sinning isn't the only sign of fleshly living.

Our last blog taught us that when we fake our spirituality, not only do we deceive ourselves, but we also put God’s name to disrepute.

Living in the flesh is rebelling against God.

Going back to our passage in Romans 8, Paul continues and says that a carnal mind is hostile to God. The Greek word means “hostility, a reason for opposition.” The word is in the continuous tense, telling us that this hostility is an on-going problem. Such a mind does not and cannot submit to God’s law; it is rebellious.

A person whose mind is set on the flesh is ruled by his sinful nature and openly opposes God. One of the best Scriptures that describes such a person is found in the Book of Psalms.

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there is none who does good.

Psalm 53:1

Without a doubt, a person who denies the existence of God is one who lives in the flesh. But such isn’t the only kind of corruption. Believe it or not, one can do good works but still oppose God. He is someone who thinks that he can buy his way into heaven by helping the poor, doing volunteer work, putting up schools, hospitals, churches, etc. He doesn’t think much about Jesus. He believes that he’s done enough good to earn his salvation. Such a person opposes God as his understanding of salvation is twisted and unbiblical.


How do I know if I’m living in the flesh?

  • Living in the flesh is ignoring God’s will.
  • Living in the flesh is faking spirituality.
  • Living in the flesh is rebelling against God.

I hope this miniseries has helped you see what the Bible teaches about false spirituality. If we are found guilty of these three signs, may God grant us repentance and give us a fresh start.

Pursue the Savior today!