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one Lord, one faith, one baptism,”

Ephesians 4:5

It is no wonder that many Christian denominations differ in some areas, and the Bible gives believers liberty concerning non-essential teachings. However, all followers of Christ should agree on essential doctrines.

Today’s verse is a continuation of Paul’s exhortation to the Ephesians to strive for unity. First, he instructed them to unite because they belong to the same body (the Church); they are all being transformed by the same Spirit; and they share the same blessed hope, which is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Apostle goes on and gives another reason for the Ephesians to be in harmony: “one Lord”, which undoubtedly refers to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Founder, and Perfecter of the Christian faith. He is the “Glue” that puts all believers together. He enabled us to be part of God’s family when He died on the Cross for our sins. If Jesus is our same Lord, we should be able to look past our differences and find ways to work together.

The fifth reason is “one faith”, which likely refers to the body of teachings of the Christian faith, i.e., the New Testament. Jude refers to it as “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” Some commentators suggest that Paul’s use of the word “faith” may refer to the subjective faith Christians exercise in Christ the Lord.

The sixth cause for unity is “one baptism.” This term may refer to two things. First, it may refer to the baptism of the Spirit, when He places sinners, by repentance and faith, into the family of God. The Bible instructs us to be filled with the Holy Spirit, but it does not tell us to be baptized in the Spirit because we were baptized in the Spirit when we first believed in Christ. It can also refer to water baptism, which is the believer’s public confession of faith in Jesus Christ and identification with His life, death, and resurrection.

If we take a hard look, these things are far greater than the things some Christians fight over. If our faith is founded on the right teachings, we are brothers and sisters, regardless if we disagree over minor issues.

When you are faced with a situation where there seems to be some conflict between you and another believer, I encourage you to look past your dissension and focus on what really matters: you are both children of God, who commanded you to love one another. Thus, let your love be greater than your discord.

Pursue the Savior today!