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6 “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children,”

Deuteronomy 6:6-7a

Is worship limited to singing and playing musical instruments? If not, what else can you do to set the tone for worship in your family?

This series aims to help you establish a healthy worship life with your family. In our previous blog, we learned that brokenness before God is a great way to train our families in worship.

Here’s a practical tip you might want to consider.

Read the Bible together.

The most important part of family worship is being taught from the word of God. Today’s verses are a part of Moses’ final sermon, the prophet reminds parents to teach their children God’s commandments in every facet of life—at home, during their trips, in bed, and at the table—the people of God are instructed to make their conversations about God.

In other words, worshiping God should be a lifestyle, not a Sunday-only thing.

If you have kids in the family, dedicate time to reading Bible stories. As for teenagers and older children, read from the Gospels or Acts and the rest of the New Testament. Make sure that the family understands what they’re reading, so prepare some questions during or after the lesson to encourage reading with comprehension. You can let your kids ask questions, too. Doing so will allow your family to interact with each other and God’s Word. And when you try to provide answers, do your best to not be preachy. A short, straightforward answer will encourage them to ask more questions later.

Reading the Bible together shows your family that God is honored in your household, which is particularly important if you’re raising kids and teenagers. Given the world’s influence these days, it’s imperative for our families to immerse in God’s Word.

It would be best to start reading the Bible as early as possible. In this day and age of social media and easy access to information, you’d want to establish a strong biblical foundation in your family. And there’s no better way to ensure your kids are rooted in Scripture than immersing them in it.

Worship isn’t limited to singing or making music; even reading God’s Word as a family is a way of adoring God for who He is.

On a scale of 1-10, how interested are you in starting a family Bible reading initiative?

Pursue the Savior today!